We all have to pay the bills, but sometimes the office is literally the last place in the universe you want to be. 我们生活需要用钱,但是有些时候公司却是这个世界上你最不想踏足的地方。
Cooper and his colleagues found the highest pay and the most overconfident behavior among chief executives who had been in office for an average of six years. 库伯和他的同事发现,获得最高薪酬和做出最自负行为的CEO平均任职期为6年。
Everything& from pay to bonus to perks to vacation time to office size to parking spaces and more. 什么都可以拿来谈&工资、奖金、额外福利、休假、办公场地的面积,甚至于停车场地。
Companies setting up in the territory have to accept they will pay some of the highest prices in the world for office space and possibly dole out equally large housing allowances. 在香港开展业务的公司必须接受这样的现实:它们必须支付世界上数一数二高的办公室租金,可能还要支付同样高的住房补贴。
Our research suggests that investing in landscaping the office with plants will pay off through an increase in office workers 'quality of life and productivity. 我们的研究表明,在办公室布置植物景观上投入资金将会在提高办公室员工的生活质量和效率上得到回报。
I will receive extra pay and I would much rather be at home with my family than in the office, so I'm happy with it. 我将获得额外报酬,我宁愿与家人待在家里而不是在办公室,所以我对此感到高兴。
You can pay via the post office. 可以到邮局汇款。
The pay phone is the post office the library. 投币电话在邮局和图书馆中间。
Our boss is cheap and won't pay the standard wage for help in our office. 我们老板真小气,不愿意按照标准工资水平出钱雇用办公人员,所以我们只好不得已而求其次。
Did you pick up your pay at the office? 你去办公室领工资了吗?
As a newlywed, she gave up corporate law and took a huge pay cut to open the Chicago office of Public Allies, part of former President Clinton's AmeriCorps. 结婚不久,她放下之前从事的公司法业务,转而开办了收入大不如前的芝加哥公众联盟办公室,这个办公室是美国义工团的一部分。
The Cale product line consists of secure and innovative pay and display terminals for unattended usage and back office applications for technical and revenue management. 卡尔公司的产品线包括无人管理的安全与创新的支付和显示终端,以及支持办公室进行技术和运营管理的后台应用。
PAY THE COMPOSING FEE-A BASIC OBLIGATION OF THE NEWSPAPER OFFICE; Bonus: refers to remuneration payment to workers for extra work and for increasing earnings and practicing economy. 支付稿酬&报刊社的一项基本义务奖金:指支付给职工的超额劳动报酬和增收节支的劳动报酬。
Elsewhere, an accountant for a foreign firm tried to convert$ 30,000 into local currency to pay staff salaries and office rent but was turned away when the bank said it did not have enough dong. 此外,一家外资公司的会计试图将3万美元兑换成本币,用以支付员工工资和办公室租金,但银行将其拒之门外,称没有足够的越南盾。
Some industry bosses simply run away, forcing local governments to pay their debts, says Qiu Quandong, spokesman for a sub-district office in the Shenzhen special economic zone. 深圳特区某区政府发言人邱泉东(音译)表示:一些工厂老板一走了之,地方政府不得不为其偿还债务。
Matsushita required that each autonomous division pay 60 percent of its pretax profits to the head office. 松下要求每一个自治的分部把纳税前利润的60%缴总部。
Please check and pay attention to the office safety before we close the office. 请大家在离开办公室前注意检查办公室内的安全。
It is hoped that they pay the overdue fees to the administration office no later than the end of this month. The shipment will be made not later than the first half of April. 请至迟于本月底前交到小区管理处。交货不会迟于四月上半月。
Lower start-up costs; you dont pay rent for an office. 不用租办公场地,开办成本低。
Why should I pay for the Registered Office and Registered Agent if I don't even use them? 为什么我应该付之注册办事处及注册代理,如果我不使用它们?
GM, the world's largest carmaker until it was overtaken by Toyota last year, says it will also cut pay by10% for most of its remaining office workers in the US. 在去年被丰田汽车超越之前,通用汽车一直是世界上最大的汽车制造商。该公司表示,将为现有美国员工降薪10%。
If he was not wielding more power and influence than he claimed, how could he have been worth the pay, the office, the degree of latitude and the respect of Citi executives? 如果他不比自己声称的更有权力和影响力,怎么会配得上花旗给他的薪金、办公室、行动自由度和花旗高管的尊重呢?
Tom was worth his salt for the pay, even though he wasn't the best one in the office. 即使汤姆算不上公司里最好的职员,他也是对得起自己的那份薪水啦!
The pay phone the post office supermarket. 公用电话在邮局和超市之间。
So a remuneration mode of "laborage and bonus" is suggested. Pay the village doctors based on their technic office, their years of medical work, and their work efficiency. 建议对乡村医生实行工资加奖金的报酬模式,按乡村医生的技术职务、医龄、岗位工作效益等实行有层次的结构工资制,以医疗预防保健工作质量作为分发奖金的依据。
The pay billing system is widely used in lots of commercial fields including Computing Services Office of didactical department, using which kinds of blue print to design system and secure strategy are different in different occasions. 网络计费系统广泛应用于多种商业场所及教育教学单位的机房有偿开放管理,不同的使用场所系统的设计方案和安全措施也不尽相同。
Reconsideration Administrative Regulation Interfere Civil Behavior& Modest Proposal on Rejecting to Pay for Lunch Regulation of Tax Office 行政规定干预民事法律行为的再思考&刍议税务机关不给发票,可以拒付餐费的规定
Wether investors, architects or the users, pay great attention to the leased office space of the tall office buildings, but pay little attention to the path space which takes a role of a spatial contact. 不论是投资方、建筑师还是入驻用户,都十分关心高层商务写字楼可租用的办公用房,而对起空间联系与导向作用的路径空间却缺乏关注。
Meanwhile, the growth of small and medium-sized national companies and increasing of transnational corporations stimulates the need of high quality office buildings, people pay muck more attention to the quality of office building products. 同时,我国企业的成长壮大以及跨国企业迅速的增加刺激了高品质写字楼物业的需求,人们越来越关注写字楼产品的品质。
The various enterprises and institutions pay more and more attention to office automation. Office automation can collect office information and executive many functions, transmit messages timely and accurate. 办公自动化越来越为各企事业单位所重视,它能有效地收集,执行各种办公信息,及时准确地实现办公信息的上传下达。